Safe Place
Set up an inviting and comfortable place in your house called the Safe Place. Your child can go to this place to calm and regain control when he or she is angry, frustrated, sad, or scared. Add a soft pillow or a beanbag chair along with a basket of books and drawing supplies to the Safe Place. Include a picture of each calming strategy.

Step 1: I am upset.
A child realizes he is upset. He goes to the Safe Place on his own or at your suggestion.
Step 2: I calm.
The child picks one of the calming strategies and does it to calm down.
Step 3: I feel.
The child identifies how he feels. He might point to an image or name a feeling.
Step 4: I choose.
The child chooses an activity from those in the Safe Place and does it. The activity will calm the child and change the focus to thinking.
Step 5: I solve.
The child (often with your help) identifies and solves the problem that leads to the upset.