What Time Is It, Mr. Wolf?

Note: Select an adult to be the wolf in the first round of the game.

  1. The wolf stands with his back to the other players (sheep) who are in a line about 25 feet away.
  2. Sheep call: What time is it, Mr. Wolf?
  3. The wolf turns to face the sheep and shouts a time (for example, 10 o’clock or 2 o’clock).
  4. Players take that number of steps closer to the wolf.
  5. The wolf turns his back to the group. The sheep ask again: What time is it, Mr. Wolf?
  6. This question/response repeats until the sheep are close to the wolf. Then the wolf answers the question with a loud “DINNER TIME” and chases players to the starting line.
  7. The sheep that the wolf catches, becomes the new wolf.