The blue-footed booby lives in South America. It is a marine bird. That means it spends most of its time on the water and very little time on land. Ask: How is the booby’s foot different than yours?

The wildebeest lives in Africa. It has a big head, shaggy mane, pointed beard, and sharp curved horns. Its head looks like a cow’s head. It has a mane like a horse. Ask: Do you think that wildebeest is a good name for this animal? What name would you give it?

The emperor penguin lives in Antarctica. It is the largest penguin. It is about the size of a six-year-old child. This bird does not fly. It shuffles along on ice and snow. It dives through icy water. Try to do a penguin step by shuffling your feet without bending your body.

Kangaroos live in Australia. They have large feet and powerful hind legs for jumping and leaping. Mother kangaroos carry their babies in a pouch (pocket). Ask: How is the way a mother kangaroo carries her baby like the way people carry babies?